General FAQs

Random Acts of Flowers is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All donations are tax deductible according to IRS regulations. Consult your tax professional for further information.
No. We never charge for our charitable services. Random Acts of Flowers delivers to individuals in healthcare facilities free of charge, as a gift from the community to the individual.
We are 100% privately funded. We do not accept any public funding, but rather rely on donations from generous donors in the community, corporate sponsorships, grants/foundation support, and through special event fundraisers.
We don’t. By design, Random Acts of Flowers relies on nurses and caregivers in healthcare facilities to determine patients who are in need of extra cheer.
Unfortunately, no. We do not individualize our charitable services, but rather work with healthcare professionals to determine the floral recipients who might most need some extra hope and encouragement. We often deliver to whole facilities or hospital wings/departments.

Financial Support FAQs

 There are a variety of ways to support Random Acts of Flowers. You can make a financial donation, donate materials like flowers or vases or even contact your local branch about becoming a corporate donor.
All financial donations are used to support operations fulfilling our charitable mission. For more information, visit the About Us page.

Volunteering FAQs

Without the dedication of our hundreds of volunteers, Random Acts of Flowers would not be able to provide beautiful bouquets and moments of kindness throughout our community. Volunteers re-purpose donated flowers from special events, memorial services, grocery stores, and wholesalers to turn what would otherwise be waste into something fresh and meaningful! When you volunteer with us, expect to have fun, meet new people, be creative, and bring smiles to our community!

We are committed to making the volunteer registration process quick and easy! That being said, we do want all of our volunteers to feel prepared and have all the pertinent information. We require all volunteers to attend our New Volunteer Info Session. Additional training for some shifts is provided on site, and there is an array of volunteer opportunities perfect for individuals, groups, and families! Please visit our Volunteer page for more information

Yes. Most volunteer opportunities are best suited for children 12 and older. Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Every child must have a signed Youth Waiver before volunteering.
Groups are encouraged and welcomed. Learn more on our Groups page.
  • Picking up donated flowers and vases
  • Sorting, composting, and organizing donated flowers
  • Arranging fresh bouquets
  • Delivering bouquets throughout our community
  • Organizing the workshop
  • Lending a hand at special events
Yes. We ask that anyone interested in volunteering attend an orientation. During orientation, new volunteers will meet our team, learn about volunteer opportunities supporting our mission, and have hands-on training working with the flowers.
Our normal volunteer schedule is Monday through Thursday, with most shifts during daytime hours. Evening and weekend shifts are scheduled occasionally.

Absolutely! A great way to be involved is to host a vase drive or participate in our yearly fundraiser!

All contributions to Random Acts of Flowers are invaluable. To make a financial donation, click here. We also always need vases, feel free to bring any extras to our workshop, drop them off at one of our community partners, or even hold a vase drive.
Most volunteers prefer to work while standing, but for those who do not want or are unable to, stools and fatigue mats are available for use in our workshop. Our facilities are wheelchair accessible.
Many volunteer opportunities are in a warehouse-type setting, and we recommend comfortable clothing and closed-toed shoes. We will provide gloves and aprons. Volunteers making floral deliveries are asked to dress business casual and wear identification provided by Random Acts of Flowers
We are proud to provide opportunities for students to receive community service credit in order to achieve academic success and give back to the community. Contact us directly for more information.
Just your enthusiasm and smiling face! Our workshops will have all of the tools you need. Join us today and get ready to have a great time bringing encouragement and beauty to others.

Media & Speaking Engagements

If you’re a member of the media, and you would like more information about us, please contact us directly via phone or email.

Local staff members are available to speak at events of all types and sizes, from church functions to club meetings. please contact us directly via phone or email to make arrangements.